ᐅᐦᑎᓯᐩ ohtisiy - tante ohci kiya

Oki / Danit’ada / Âba wathtec/ Aaniin/ Tansi / Taanishi / Hello!

My name is Pelletier! I'm so excited to start the Story Jam year on March 17 with my learning on the Cree teaching of  ᐅᐦᑎᓯᐩ ohtisiy - belly button stories. We are more than what we do! A big part of us, that we can sometimes forget, is we are where and who we come from and the many mountains we climb in this crazy journey of life. During our time together I will share my story and lead us through an activity to dive into your own stories.

Click to register!

This event will be hosted on Zoom and you will need paper and things to write/ draw with!

There will be few activities that are open to participation and I want to create a brave space to bring our best reflection and intention to the table. I encourage camera's on but not necessary (I totally get it, once 5pm hits I'm usually in my pj's and not camera ready) and feel free to unmute or share in the chat! A promise - I will completely respect your privacy and comfort level with sharing. I welcome your sharing, but no worries if you are not comfortable with that or moved to do so. I am happy for you to simply come and share this experience with us!

Story Jam workshops are spaces for anyone to experience storytelling in new ways and hang out with an amazing community of storytellers. Story Jams are led by BIPOC Youth and are free and open to all ages.  Story Jam is made possible by our sponsor Suncor Energy.

Thank You! See you soon!

Our Vision

A World Where Youth Can Show Up, Stand Up and Be Heard!

Our Mission

To Listen, Learn, and Collaborate in Community for Unveiled Youth Potential.