There is something incredibly powerful about gathering for the purpose of lifting up other human beings. Canada Bridges was invited to take part at the recent 2019 Indspire Awards, and we attended with incredible representation. Each of us who are connected through Bridges, whether we see one another regularly or not, share in this spirit of encouragement, appreciation, pride and thinking in possibilities. I feel that we are continually celebrating our network of award-worthy community leaders who inspire others, all the time.
I'd like to thank each of you for all that you do, and don't be surprised if you find yourself nominated in 2020! I'd like to reiterate a teaching from Atuat Akittirq, who won Inspire's Lifetime Achievement award; The recognition is beautiful, as is the crystal trophy, but you [children, community, Bridges Family]... you are all much more precious!
Let's continue with this in our hearts and minds as we venture into the future together. With love ... tapwã kîché/ish niyesh (sent with gentle effect).