Are you around the age of 16-30 years old? Are you a BIPOC and living in the region of Treaty 7?
Buffalo Stone Woman & Conroy Obey, Canada Bridges & the Bridges Indigenous Leadership Team (BILT) invite you join us in storysharing on the land, learning more about A Youth Explosion 2023, and connecting with a mentor about motivation & confidence from motivational speaker, Conroy Obey!
What to expect:
- Liability forms to sign upon registration, includes Hiking Guidelines.
- A short, moderate-easy hike - plan to wear comfortable footwear, water bottle, dress weather appropriate.
- A traditional meal around a fire: stew, bannock, berry soup, mint tea.
- Participate through interactive discussion & activities with a small group of youth/young adults approximately 16-30 years old.
- Travel time to and from Mount Lorette Ponds.
Let us know if you need transportation to & from Mount Lorette Ponds.
Sign up now! Only 15 spots available! Link to Sign Up!
We will also be sharing more about A Youth Explosion & what it is like to be part of it
A Youth Explosion(AYE), is an artistic storytelling event where Indigenous youth share their wisdom with a diverse public audience through a wide variety of mediums including spoken word, art, dance, music, and film, and other creative storytelling expressions.
In preparation for this event, performers take part in facilitated workshops to craft their wisdom story with the support of mentors, professional artists, Elders & the BILT. The process is designed to support deep self-reflection, while building the confidence of participants to express themselves and exploring the many diverse artistic disciplines.
We are excited to collaborate with mentors, professional artists & storytellers in the Treaty 7 community to support youth & young adult storytellers/performers/presenters as they develop their wisdom story. A big thank you to Buffalo Stone Woman & Conroy Obey, Eagle Song Consulting (Mentor, Motivational Speaker) for helping us begin the journey on the land!
Email aye@canadabridges.com if you have any questions. To register for AYE, fill out our application!